
  • 34 participants
  • 27201 discussions
[Dovecot] problems with eudora
by Enrique Pedraza 08 Dec '04

08 Dec '04
[Dovecot] Non standart mbox path
by Andrew Velikoredchanin 08 Dec '04

08 Dec '04
[Dovecot] problems with eudora (2)
by Enrique Pedraza 08 Dec '04

08 Dec '04
[Dovecot] Lost BODY message
by Tom Allison 08 Dec '04

08 Dec '04

08 Dec '04

08 Dec '04
[Dovecot] Assert in mech.c
by Andrew Hutchings 07 Dec '04

07 Dec '04
[Dovecot] imaps, certificate and authentification
by jean-Noël Chardron 07 Dec '04

07 Dec '04